Thursday, 25 August 2016

hierarchial pattern of indian cities

Hierarchical Patterns of Indian Towns – Explained

The hierarchy may be identified either structurally or within each function.

Structural Hierarchy:

An important aspect of urbanisation all over the world is the uneven pattern of development of small towns and big cities within the system. Every urban system is characterised by the presence of a few large cities and a large number of small towns. The large cities account for a larger share of the total urban population, while the small towns, despite their numbers, account for a smaller share. This is true of the Indian urban system.
The million plus cities form the apex of the Indian urban system and account for over one- third of India’s urban population (see table 19.4). They are followed closely by the one-lakh cities (class I towns) and the medium towns (classes II and III towns), each of which accounts for over a quarter of the urban population.
Population of Million Plus Cities/Towns
Together, these three categories add up to more than 80 per cent of the total urban population. The small towns, which account for 48 per cent of the total number of towns and include classes IV and V towns, constitute only 10.5 per cent of the total urban population. The distribution patterns of the major classes of towns and cities in different states of India show remarkable unevenness.

Functional Hierarchy:

Each major function (as discussed above) has its own hierarchy. For instance, if we take administration, the revenue village is at the lowest level. The level above this is the panchayat union or block and above that tehsil or taluk under a tehaildar. Above this is the district headquarters under a district collector.
Government departments like education, health, irrigation etc. are located in the district headquarters. Above a district headquarters is the state capital which has the governor, the state legislature, the secretariat and the high court. At the top is the national capital New Delhi which has the president, the parliament, the central secretariat and the Supreme Court.
Similarly other activities like trade, health and educational services, manufacturing etc. have their own hierarchy where the lower level functions are located in smaller towns and higher levels in larger towns. Each level requires a threshold population to support that particular function. For instance, a primary health centre is recommended for a population of 30,000 (20,000 for tribal and hilly areas), while an upgraded community centre is recommended for a population of 1,00,000.

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