Causes and consequences of migration
This includes migration and various theories various terms associated with migration complete study of migration
Migration is defined as the permanent and semi permanent change of residence of an individual or group of people over significant distance
2. Migration can be classified as International inter-regional urban to Urban rural to Urban
On the basis of time factor it can be classified as temporary or permanent
3. Causes of Migration
P o w d e g c r s
P for political causes
O for overpopulation
W for war
E for economic causes
D for demographic causes
G for government policy
C for climate change
R and S for religious and social causes
4. Theories of migration EG Ravenstein
Lee's and Zelinskys mobility transition model
5. Discuss the contemporary International migration pattern
Social well being and quality of life
1. Discuss quality of life
Population as social capital
1. How Indian demography server as social capital
World population problems and policies
1. Discuss population problems of world
Problems of developing countries
Problems of developed countries
2. Explain population dilemmas of European countries
1. Europe population has begin to decline since 1990 it is older than that of any other continent population of many European countries like Germany Russia Ukraine is stagnating or declining the fertility rate in most of the countries in Europe where below the replacement level in 2011 none of European countries except Albania Bosnia Latvia is at present is replacing its population through natural increase the annual rate of natural increase in all European countries except Albania and Iceland or below 0.5% as against world rate of 1.4% Germany has the oldest population in the world with small proportion of young and large share of middle aged people
Problems created due to zero population growth
1.Reduce the demand for colleges universities . is projected by end of 2015 the present unemployment situation will be replaced by shortage of workers
3.there will be burden on the government exchequer to provide pension on social services to old age people
3.Compare population policy of India with other countries population policy of India with China
5. What are the various Strategies for population control
. Controlling birth rate through tough sterilization policy or less coercive of increasing family planning
Government policy like publicizing the merits of small family.
offering financial rewards to parents providing contraceptives and abortion facilities free of cost and
penalties for families having more than designated number of child example Singapore where space is extremely limited
the policy like postponement of age of sexual activity
Above all we need social and institutional changes that decline fertility
6. Explain population policy of India
Voluntary family planning policy has been adopted from 1960
1976 -77 of sterilization policy adopted by then government
Later less coercive method of zinghr family planning
Placing health expert in villages with more than thousand people
financial rewards to parents who have except sterilization after two children
Providing contraceptives free of cost
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