Monday, 18 June 2018



  1. Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans; 
  2. Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets, 
  3. Ocean deposits; 
  4. Waves, currents and tides; 
  5. Marine resources: biotic, mineral and energy resources; 
  6. Coral reefs, coral bleaching; 
  7. sea level changes
  8. law of the sea and marine pollution.

part 1-4 are hard,more
part 5-8 are easy, less

Waves, currents and tides

Western Boundary Currents: The Gulf Stream and Kuroshio, 
Eastern Boundary Currents: The California Current System, 
Equatorial Currents, 
El Nino Southern Oscillation, 
Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Currents of the Indian Ocean,

Tides and Other Waves, 
Tsunami, Seiches, Edge Waves,
Very Long Waves: The Coriolis Effect,  Kelvin Waves, 
Inertia Gravity Waves, 
Rossby Waves,
Internal Waves, 
Reduced Gravity, 230 Internal Waves in a Two-layer Ocean, 231 Internal Waves in a Stratified Ocean, 232 Tidal Forces, 234
Equilibrium and Dynamic Theory of Tides, 
Ocean Tides, 
Tidal Currents

three shallow water waves: tsunamis, seiches, and edge waves

  1. Write a note on shallow water waves
  2. short notes on  tsunamis, seiches, and edge waves
  3. explain in detail the currents of Indian ocean.
  4. Write short note on Pelagic deposits
  5. Give an account of marine resources and discuss their present day utilization. 
  6. Give a reasoned account of the contents of the Atlantic Ocean and their impact
  7. on the climatic conditions of the coastal regions. (87/1/3/60)
  8. Write short note on Coral reefs in about 200 words. (88/1/26/20)
  9. Write short note on Ocean bottom relief in about 200 words. (89/1/26/20)
  10. Discuss the theories of the formation of coral reefs proposed by Daly, Darwin
  11. and David. (90/1/5/60)
  12. Draw a hypsographic curve to represent the major physiographic units of the ocean and comment on their permanency (91/1/4/60)
  13. Give reasoned account of the distribution of salinity in the oceans and partially enclosed seas. 
  14. Write short note: Food from the sea.
  15. Explain and illustrate the ocean floor topography and give a detailed account of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  16. Write short note: Marine resources, biotic,
  17. Examine critically the theories of the mineral and energy resources  formation of coral reefs and atolls.
  18. Explain and illustrate the submarine relief of the Atlantic Ocean.
  19. Write short note Submarine canyons.
  20. Write short note T-S diagram.
  21. Write short note Formation of coral reefs
  22.  Present a concise account of bottom relief of the Indian Ocean. (03/1/4/60)
  23. Discuss the mid-Atlantic Ridge in terms of its origin, extent and relief.
  24. Write short note Pelagic deposits.
  25. Write short note Ocean currents of Northern Atlantic Ocean 
  26. Discuss the different bases for classifying the ocean deposits and give a detailed!
  27. account of pelagic deposits of the oceans
  28. Write short note Eustatic changes of sea level
  29. Describe the ideal conditions for coral reef formation and discuss the glacial control theory of coral reef formation.
  30. Examine economic significance of the resources of the Continental shelf of the Indian Ocean
  31. Comment on marine heat budget and the oceanic circulation system. 
  32. Write short note on Ocean deposits
  33. Explain the scientifically sound methods of bathymetry and give an account of the bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean. 
  34. Write short note on Salinity patterns in Indian Ocean. 
  35. "Temperature, salinity and density differences in ocean water are the prime causes of ocean water circulation." Elaborate.
  36. Write short notes on different layers of ocean water above abyssal plain.
  37. "Atolls present the most challenging explanation in the evolution of coral reefs", Discuss.
  38. What is “Base level" Explain the types of base level. 
  39. "Offshore Acoustic Study helped the development of the concept of seafloor spreading". Explain.
  40. Compare the Subsidence and Glacial control theories on the formation of coral reefs.
  41. Illustrate the origin and nature of Sargasso Sea and Lagoon. 
  42. Give a critical account of reasons and  consequences of marine pollution
  43. Give an account of recent observations on coral bleaching with reference to Clive Wilkinson's Report

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